The First Ritual

Here it is, the first ritual that was ever created, the one that started the practice of weaving. Or maybe it wasn’t the first. But it’s the first one we know of that was written down.

We don’t know who wrote it.

This is how we say good-bye to those we will never see again.

First, you must wipe the tears from your face.

The tears that tell you the longing is coming.

The tears that know your heart before your mind does.

The tears that well up, that turn your face hot, that trap you in.

These tears.

First, wipe them away.

Thank them for reminding you of the place in your life that is now empty.

Turn your eyes, if you can, to the leaving, or to the departed.

Tell them, so they can hear you:

I will miss you
I will always wish we had more time
I will cherish your memory and keep it safe in the tapestry of my life
I will weave new memories to cover the hole in my heart but I will never fill it in
I will miss you

This is how we say good-bye.